
Due to the current situation, WEJCH is postponed and will only take place remotely from 28 to 30 October 2020.




The Weekend of Young Researchers (WEJCH) of the Association for Research in Didactics of Mathematics (ARDM) is a seminar for young researchers that has been held annually since 2007.

Organized in oral presentations, poster presentations and workshops, it provides an opportunity to communicate on its current research work and enrich its practices through the presence of experienced researchers.

As a continuation of the previous Young Researchers' Weekend around the operationalisation of the theoretical framework, WEJCH 2020 would like to engage in a reflection on the theme of data in didactics of mathematics: what types of data are used (theoretical data, field data)? What are the difficulties and limitations in collecting, processing and analysing them? How to overcome these obstacles?

Organising committee

Léna Arthaud, PhD student (ACTé, Université Clermont-Auvergne).

Mickael Da Ronch, PhD student (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes).

Stéphane Favier, PhD student (DiMaGe, Université de Genève).

Macarena Flores-González, PhD student (LDAR, Université de Paris).

Elann Lesnes-Cuisiniez, PhD student (LDAR, Université de Paris).


You can contact us at the following email address: wejch2020[at]

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